How Calories Make the Difference

Let’s start!




Premier Protein Breakdown:



Calories: 100

  • Protein: 18g    (remember 18g X  4= 72 calories)
  • Fats: 2g    (remember 2g X 9 = 18 calories)
  • Total Carbohydrates 3g: (remember 3g X 4 = 12 calories)

*Remember Total Carbohydrates have a interrelationship with Fiber and Sugar contents; so make sure to check their contents as well to determine accurate carb count and differentiating between simple and complex.

– Fiber: 1g

– Sugar: 1g

*Rememeber: That “Total Carbohydrate” has 3g of carbs because it has 1g coming of Fiber and 1g coming from Sugar, leaving the last 1g coming from some sort of complex carbohydrate source. How do I know? Because anything under the “Sugar” content is automatically a simple carbohydrate (sugar), leaving the remains as complex. Also that the 1g of fiber isn’t accountable so we dismiss it leaving an actual carbohydrate count of 2g.

Real Total Carbohydrate: 2g ( remember 2g X 4 = 8 calories)

Add it all together:

  • Total: 72 + 18 + 8 = 98 calories (CLOSE, most companies round)


EAS Myoplex LITE Breakdown


Calories: 170

  • Protein: 20g    (remember 20g X  4= 80 calories)
  • Fats: 2g    (remember 2g X 9 = 18 calories)
  • Total Carbohydrates 20g: (remember 20g X 4 = 80 calories)

*Remember Total Carbohydrates have a interrelationship with Fiber and Sugar contents; so make sure to check their contents as well to determine accurate carb count and differentiating between simple and complex.

– Fiber: 3g

– Sugar: 4g

*Rememeber: That “Total Carbohydrate” has 20g of carbs because it has 3g coming of Fiber and 4g coming from Sugar, leaving the last 13g coming from some sort of complex carbohydrate source. How do I know? Because anything under the “Sugar” content is automatically a simple carbohydrate (sugar), leaving the remains as complex. Also that the 3g of fiber isn’t accountable so we dismiss it leaving an actual carbohydrate count of 17g.

Real Total Carbohydrate: 17g ( remember 17g X 4 = 68 calories)

Add it all together:

  • Total: 80 + 18 + 68 = 166 calories (CLOSE, most companies round)

Calorie Comparisons:

EAS Myoplex LITE

Calories: 170

  • Protein: 20g    (remember 20g X  4= 80 calories)
  • Fats: 2g    (remember 2g X 9 = 18 calories)
  • Real Total Carbohydrate: 17g ( remember 17g X 4 = 68 calories)


Premier Protein

Calories: 100

  • Protein: 18g    (remember 18g X  4= 72 calories)
  • Fats: 2g    (remember 2g X 9 = 18 calories)
  • Real Total Carbohydrate: 2g ( remember 2g X 4 = 8 calories)

What’s my point?

Let’s say you have a carbohydrate limit of 100g. It would take about 10 Premier Protein’s to get 100g of Carbohydrates, while it would only take 5 EAS Myoplex LITE’s to hit it. The smarter choice would be the Premier. I’m not saying your only carbohydrate source should be through protein shakes, I’m simply helping you conceptualize how much of a difference calories make and about how it’s more of HOW you eat than WHAT you eat that will make the difference.

It makes no sense to eat foods that will give your limit no value or purpose. Your limit is there to help you.  Are you aware of the calorie content when you eat?  Not just calories, but macro calories as well? Do you know currently how much calories you have consumed? If not, how do you know where to go? You may crash (go over limit) or get lost (be under limit) during this journey if you don’t know what to do or look out for.

People usually eat way over their carbohydrate limit causing them to go over their overall calorie limit, causing them to gain fat.

The purpose of this article is to help you become more aware. Depending on your goals, your nutrition needs to match. This article was directed towards people trying to lose fat. It can be so easy to go over your carbohydrate by being unaware.


1. Know your Calorie and Macro Limits (read, here)

2. Understand that different foods contain different amount of calories and macros allowing you to have flexibility when it comes to eating up to your limit. (read, here)

3. Don’t go over your limit (read, here)

Click here for more information on calories.

Thank you!